‘Beerwah Rising’ Reduction Linoprint

I finished my latest reduction linoprint two Sunday’s ago … 16 colours over 14 layers. This print was a visual collision of a few art loves of mine … the Glass House Mountains,

‘Glass House’ Reductive Linoprint

Wow … “Glass House” is finished, editioned and framed. This labour of love reduction linoprint has taught me lessons in both printmaking and patience, and has already made its [...]

The Trials and Tribulations of reduction linoprinting

Lino printing is, in its own right, a relatively simple form of relief printmaking. Reduction linoprinting is a little more complex, but can also be quite simple once you understand the basics. I [...]

My Favourite Linoprinting Tools

I love many different printmaking processes and media, but my favourite has to be working with, carving and printing lino. Lino printing is a form of Relief printmaking. Relief a printmaking [...]

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