Water’s Harvest – ‘Seeds to Leaves’ Micro-Exhibition

Water and sunlight, essential for life, combine to nurture the lush flora surrounding me in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. In ‘Water’s Harvest,’ I celebrate this essential partnership through [...]

Dear Blue … I love You … Pushing Cyanotype Boundaries

Did you know … blue is the most common favorite colour, worldwide; purple comes in second (according to studies carried out by various global marketing big wigs). Blue is absolutely MY [...]

3 Little Artist Book Projects

What do you do during that week between Christmas and New Year? Those 7 days of what I call ‘no-mans-land’ … when Santa has climbed down countless chimneys and we wait for that [...]

Printing with Cyanotype on Eggshells!

A while ago I wrote about new adventures playing with cyanotype. While the colour range may be limited, what you can do with it is not! I saw a photo on Pinterest where Hannah Lamb had printed [...]