Truth, Healing and Prophecy Exhibition 2022

I love that the year is finally kicking off. It has been a slow start for me this year (after my glorious 2 weeks at Summer Workshops in at the beginning of January in Brisbane).
But this weekend the Arts Connect Inc Truth, Healing and Prophecy Exhibition opened at the Old Ambulance Station Gallery in Nambour. It is a group show with 24 participating artists, and I have 3 artist books in the show.
I managed to get to the exhibition on Saturday, along with friend and fellow exhibitor Annie McIntosh. Curated by Lou Jaeger, it is a lovely show, diverse in the different artists and art forms included.
My pieces on show are sky dancers, Where did that bird fly and PTSD … a love story.
Its lovely to show them together, and they all fit beautifully with the exhibition theme – Truth, Healing and Prophecy.
sky dancers Artist Statement
Stepping into a natural space, out of a busy world and sometimes my own head, affords me the opportunity to take a moment, stop and breathe. It gives me time to look, see and observe.
Sky dancers celebrates a very special afternoon when I did just that … I watched and listened to a glorious crackle of Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos dance from tree to tree, screeching and squawking, chattering and crying. They manouvered around two very tall banksia trees. Devouring every accessible banksia pod they could find.
They played. They jostled. Then they flew away.
Where did that bird fly? Artist Statement
In our culture characterised by haste and automation, what happens when you stop?
What happens when you give yourself time … and slow your breath … and look?
What happens when you give yourself time to breathe and open your eyes and feel the air and the breeze and the sounds and the sights around you … and wonder?
This book is a celebration of just that – giving myself the gift of time to remain in the moment and wonder.
PTSD … a love story Artist Statement
This book is a collection of my personal words, my own call-and-response. My own thoughts and experience living with, fighting and surviving as a partner of a war veteran diagnosed with PTSD and other mental health conditions.
Through the roller-coaster highs and lows of living alongside PTSD I have often
asked myself these questions:
“What is love?”
“What is the line between dignity of risk and duty of care?”
“What is PTSD without love?”
Making real and tangible my thoughts and fears and feelings with this book was both difficult and cathartic.
Get Along to the Show
If you can, stop in and visit the show:
EXHIBITION OPENS – Friday 4 February 2022
CLOSES – Saturday 5 March 2022
EXHIBITION LOCATION – Old Ambulance Station, 80 Howard Street, Nambour
HOURS – Monday-Saturday 10am-3pm
And while you’re there, cross the road and enjoy the artworks installed on Howard Street Wall. See if you can find my monotype print in that exciting collection of work by local Sunshine Coast artists 🙂
Exhibiting Member Artists
Arts Connect Inc exhibiting members are:
- Fluer Muffatti
- Gretchen Keelty
- Libby Derham
- Judi Parkinson
- Jen Braithwaite
- Svetlana Soldatova
- Denise Daffara
- Barry Rosenberg
- Kim Herringe
- Jodi Casey
- Michelle Kurth
- Patti Henderson
- Beatrice Prost
- Deb Skewes
- Molly Galpin
- Marie Farr
- Roger Callen
- Felicity Rutherford
- Judith Rosenberg
- Victoria Chapman
- Karan Gerard
- Marcel Desbiens
- Charlotte Wensley
- Cam Crossley