Ahh The Serenity … a new Printmaking Studio and Workshop Space

Never ever ever in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would call home a place as beautiful as where I am now. And with that find myself a new studio space; a bigger space, and a space perfect [...]

Hangin’ out with Nature’s Skyscrapers

What does it look like when a printmaker artist joins a BioBlitz and is hoisted 43 metres into the rainforest canopy, high above the forest floor?

The Brutal Art of Slowing Down

Slow. Slow. Quick. Quick. Slow. 2018 is done. 2019 brings new hopes and printmaking adventures. I took some considered time-out yesterday to reflect on the year that was 2018. It was a great [...]

Gelatin Plate Printmaking Recipe

Monoprinting with gelatin plates is a helluva-lotta fun! The softness of the gelatin plates allows you to capture and print great detail in your artwork. When to comes to printing with gelatin [...]

‘Glass House’ Reductive Linoprint

Wow … “Glass House” is finished, editioned and framed. This labour of love reduction linoprint has taught me lessons in both printmaking and patience, and has already made its [...]