Open Studio – 20-21 March 2021

Step beyond the screen and come and say hello! I’m opening The Studio, my printmaking art studio, to the public, along with a host of other artists in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland:
> Saturday 20 March – 10am-4pm
> Sunday 21 March – 10am-4pm
> and Monday 22 March – 10am-4pm … a special extra day 🙂
Where: 10 Nadi Lane, North Maleny
Scroll down for a Google maps view, or click here to open Google maps.
This will be the first weekend of the Open Studios Sunshine Coast event. The second weekend, Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 March will see artist studios by the coast open to the public.
Enjoy a unique opportunity to step inside the hidden sanctuary of an artist’s studio. My studio is my own quiet and safe space. It is where I create, and where I share my printmaking skills with others eager to learn.
Engage your senses while you have a look around and chat with me about process, practice and printmaking.
There will be artist books, eco-printed and cyanotype printed scarves and other hand printed goodies to look at and buy, including my new ‘Note to Self’ hand-printed postcards..
Enjoy looking at and discussing the process behind original hand-printed linocut and monoprint prints. And chat with me about upcoming workshops and how and where you can learn the same skills.
You can take some original artwork home, available during the weekend at special one-off Open Studios special pricing.
I last opened my studio to the public in August 2019. It was a fun day … lots to look at, learn about, chat about, and some very yummy nibbles to share. I’d love to see you at my Open Studio weekend 20-21-22 March.
Below are some recent photos of my studio space taken by Richard Muldoon from Vivid Photography.
Open Studios Sunshine Coast 2021
I am super excited to be a part of this event. It has been several years since a formal Open Studio event was held on the Hinterland; and to see that the event has broadened to include artist studios along the coast is very exciting.
There is a dedicated website introducing all the artists involved –
You can also download the Art Trail Guide to help plan your time over the two weekends that the event is running. Below are screenshots from the guide of the trails for each of the weekends – but click here to download the actual Art Trail Guide itself.
Other Printmakers participating in Open Studios 2021
There are a total of 8 printmakers taking part in the Open Studio program this year – out of a total of 70 participating artists and galleries.
Other artists are painters, photographers, ceramic artists, sculptors, glass and mosaic artists, textile and jewellery artists, metalworker and more!
Four printmaker’s studios open to the public as part of the Hinterland Trails on the first weekend (20-21 March), with 4 open on the second weekend (27-28 March) in the Coast Trails.
Below are the Hinterland Trail printmakers, all also members of the Maleny Prinmakers, and all eager to share their love of printmaking:
Open Studios Week of Workshops
PLUS … many artists are hosting workshops in the week between the two Open Studios weekends. Click here to see a full list of workshops on offer, including a special short-workshop I will be running – Print a Pack of Postcards.
My workshop runs 9:30am-12noon on Tuesday 23 March. It is a short gelatin plate monoprinting workshop where we will print a pack of postcards. You’ll leave with some new skills that you can easily continue at home, and your postcards. Time permitting we may even have a go at some letterpress printing on your cards. Space is limited to a maximum of 6 people. It costs $87, inclusive of all materials. Click here if you’d like to book for this workshop.
Below are some postcards I have been printing recently, for my ‘note to self’ postcard range. They have been hand-printed with a combination of gelatin plate monoprinting and letterpress printing.
Step inside The Studio
My studio is a dedicated printmaking art studio and workshop space. Linocut, etching, letterpress, cyanotype, monoprinting, eco-printing, printmaking on clay – if I can print it, I will give it a try! And I am passionate about sharing my skills to increase the awareness and appreciation of printmaking with people wanting to learn at my printmaking workshops.
Printmaking offers a fabulous creative opportunity – it can be practiced as a serious and professional art form as well as a simple opportunity for creative respite from our slightly crazy upside-down world. If you’re looking to do something creative, not sure where to start, but know you don’t want to start or do painting or drawing, then printmaking offers tremendous opportunities. I’d love to chat with you about that 🙂
Below is a short video, stepping inside my studio one morning last year just after I had got it ready for a Linocut 101 workshop …
Maleny, the heart of the Sunshine Coast Hinterland
The Sunshine Coast Hinterland is a spectacularly beautiful corner of the world … and I am grateful beyond words to live and work in Maleny – the heart of the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. The short video below is a quick snapshot of the area surrounding my studio space.
Where to find The Studio
Postscript 25 March 2021
Wow what a weekend! THANK YOU to everyone who cam along – it was a fun, exciting huge weekend. A steady stream of visitors, and so exciting to see so many people out and about discovering the art trails over the weekend.
If you’re interested, I have shared some photos from the weekend in my Gallery. I was too busy to take photos myself (very unusual for me!), but I’m sharing photos that people have shared with me. THANK YOU!