
home is me
where I want
to be

protected in a world
I created with reflections
of love and security

it is where the sun shines
where the clouds close in
it rains and is grey and dark and heavy

it is light and bright
and alive with

it is where I age
and create and make and cry

it is messy
it is tidy
its order and chaos
lost treasures
lost in books
forgotten in the bookcase

it is light and heavy
where weight is gained and lost

body weight
mind weight
weights of the heart

I can be loud and bright
quiet and pensive
excited or sullen
I can burrow and retreat
hide from the world
or open her doors
and let the world in

Home is me
right now it is where
I am

where I will stay
as this time passes
And when it does

home is where I will be
where I want to be
free to be me



Poem is written by me. Handwritten in pencil on a gel plate monotype printed on Zerkal paper, backed with a gel plate monotype printed tissue paper. The book structure is a variation of a ‘snake book’.

The box is a hexagon ‘candy box’, hand made with board, covered with my own eco-printed hosho paper.

I made this book as part of the #areyoubookenough challenge. The theme for March was #areyoubookenough_hexagon.

It took me a couple of days to make the box, allowing time for the paper to dry and settle. Then I made the book and wrote the poem this morning … waking at 2am and not able to get back to sleep I ventured into the studio and enjoyed my favourite time of the day to create; quiet and peaceful, watching the new day come to life as the sun rises to start her own day.

Completed 5 April 2020.

Would you like to have a go at making this book yourself? I’ve written a blog post and included a downloadable template for the hexagon ‘snake book’. Its pretty easy to make once you have decided on the number of hexagon tiles you want in your book.

Showing 4 comments
  • Andrina Hoddinott

    This is magic. Beautiful words describing how we often we take our home and surrounds for granted, never taking the time to sit, reflect and enjoy. Your little box, just like the bee hive housing our treasures. Thank you. 🐝🌻💕

    • Kim Herringe

      THANK YOU Andrina 🙏 😊 💚💙💚 I enjoyed sitting in the quiet of my home (my studio), writing and making. I love ‘home’. Being home, going home, staying home. Just as well given what’s going on in the world at the moment. The next #areyoubookenough theme is Machine. I wonder what I will make for that? Stay well xx

  • Denise Martin

    Thank you for making the template available Kim – I am going to have a go at making it. I noticed you used Zerkall paper – I love Zerkall paper, but haven’t been able to obtain it in Australia any more. May I ask where you purchased it from?
    Absolutely love your work – I make artist books, paint and create cyanotypes – I wish I lived closer (Macedon Ranges, Victoria) so I could do some workshops with you!
    Thank you again for the template.
    cheers Denise

    • Kim Herringe

      Hi Denise, I loooove Zerkall. And unfortunately it is no more. The mill, in Germany, has closed due to flooding in 2021. So sad! it was such a versatile and beautiful paper to work with. I’m about to try some alternatives so plan to write about the outcome in my blog over the coming weeks. cheers, Kim 🙂

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