Open Studios 2024 – Viva la Print

 In Journal, The Studio

Open Studios Sunshine Coast 2024

Welcoming art lovers and sharing my printmaking studio during the Sunshine Coast Open Studios event is a highlight of my year. This year’s Open Studios Sunshine Coast event was, as always, a lot of fun! It was my fourth time participating and the fifth time opening my studio doors to the public. I can’t wait to do it again next year (after a bit of rest 🙂 )!

A huge THANK YOU to each and every visitor ❤️

Your presence and enthusiasm means the world to me.

And I genuinely appreciate the time you took to visit.

Every artist participating on the trail appreciates every visit! It was heartwarming to see both new faces and familiar ones – friends, family, students and art enthusiasts who have visited in previous years.

We enjoyed glorious blue skies and sunshine throughout the weekend, a welcome change from the constant rain we’ve had so far this year. The Sunshine Coast Hinterland studios opened on the second weekend of the program, following the Coastal studios. Next year, the Hinterland studios will kick off the event on the first weekend.

I was able to showcase my most recent reduction linocut, The Sour Cherry Tree, which was on display and available for purchase. I’m delighted to share that one print from the limited edition has already found a new home!

New cyanotype prints were available, and, for the first time, people were able to make workshop bookings for the second half of the year.

I am incredibly grateful for the invaluable help of Anouk and Stephanie. The preparation and execution of such a big weekend are no small tasks, and their support was essential. And of course – Monty! He was a great help 😉 and support 🙂 the days before getting everything ready and laid out on the tables.

This year we had a delightful visit from the Buderim Craft Cottage Painting Group and a busload of art enthusiasts from the Friends of the Caloundra Regional Gallery, who made a special trip to our studio. They were on a big day out from Kin Kin to Pomona, then to the Sunshine Coast Hinterland to visit my studio, Libby Derham’s, and Nicky Carey’s.

Sharing the Love of Printmaking

One of my greatest joys is sharing my love for the process, printmaking, and the act of being creative. It was exhilarating to open my studio space and showcase my artwork to all the visitors. I enjoy discussing the art form as much or as little as my guests want to listen. My goal is to spread knowledge and appreciation of printmaking, which I believe is often misunderstood and underappreciated. Seeing so many people engage, ask questions, listen, and explore my studio was incredibly exciting and encouraging. Viva la print!

Looking Forward to 2025

Thank you again to everyone who visited. I look forward to opening my studio doors again next year. I hope to see both familiar faces and new ones, all for the love of sharing printmaking and moments of creative respite. Just follow the signs …

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Monty, a printmakers cat