Chatter along the lines of letterpress
Hooray – my gorgeous new Adana 8×5 has arrived. After staring at it for a week, a little scared but terribly excited about it, today I printed! This is the first line of a poem I’ll print up as I practise on my press. My intention with this little beauty is to combine my linoprinting and with letterpress type. Artist books? Single editioned images? I’m not sure, but Playing with words and images has been an artist’s dream of mine for many many years.
I started with a delicious Rubine Red. After setting the type the wrong way (ooppss), then fixing it, I made some prints. I can read the letters back-to-front, but I managed to set the type right to left, not left to right. or is the other way around? I’ve been setting type for years, but on a computer, so I got a but muddled. doh! I can see that I have a lot of practice ahead of me to get the inking right.
Anyhow, it was fun – a fully manual mechanical machine. No connection to electricity – just elbow grease and a passion for print.
I’ve cleaned up and got ink everywhere, but the printer and rollers are clean.