Enrolment into and attendance at Summer Impressions 2025 with Kim Herringe at The Studio is subject to the following Terms and Conditions:

  1. General Terms and Conditions
  2. Workshop Confirmation and Payment
  3. Workshop Cancellations and Refunds
  4. Additional Information


1. General Terms and Conditions

  • Group numbers are kept small to maximise my attention with all participants during the week. Book early to secure your place. If the minimum number of students (3) is not achieved by 6 December 2024, the workshop may be cancelled.
  • During our week I will request permission to take photographs for use in my website and social media for promotional purposes. If you do not wish to be photographed, that’s no problem at all, please let me know at the time.
  • An email is sent to Summer Impressions participants early-December to confirm workshop details. The email will include a link to specific information important to the Summer Impressions program. It will be assumed that the student has read that email prior to workshop attendance, and contacted Kim Herringe if anything is unclear regarding inclusions and expectations.


2. Workshop Confirmation and Payment

  • You will be emailed an invoice within 1-2 days of sending your Booking Enquiry
  • Full payment is required to secure your booking.
  • Payment can be made via PayPal or direct deposit.
  • If paying via PayPal:
    • An additional surcharge of $20 will be applied to your invoice to cover the PayPal processing fee.
    • The actual PayPal processing fee is greater than $20.
    • A refund issued against any payment made via PayPal will be issued minus the full PayPal transaction fee.
  • Progress payments are available with prior arrangement:
    • A non-refundable deposit of $100 is required within 7 days of booking and payment timing agreed with final payment due no later than 6 December 2024.
    • If using PayPal to make progress payments, a surcharge to cover the PayPal transaction fee will be applied to each progress payment.


3. Workshop Cancellations and Refunds

Sometimes circumstances can change.

Cancellations by Students:

  • Cancellations before 6 November 2024 – full refund minus 10% administration fee
  • Cancellations before 6 December 2024 – refund 50%
  • Cancellations on or after 6 December 2024 – no refund
  • Where possible, every effort will be made to fill your place with another student. If this is possible, you will be refunded your fee, minus any applicable PayPal transaction fees
  • If a workshop was paid via PayPal, the full PayPal transaction fee is non-refundable.

Cancellation by Kim Herringe:

  • Summer Impression may be cancelled by me due to minimum class enrolment not being reached by 6 December 2024 or unforeseen circumstances (eg illness). In this event, you will be offered a full refund or option to reschedule.


4. Additional Information

No responsibility will be taken for any personal property left at the facility; nor liability for any personal injury, unless caused through negligence on the part of your tutor.

All information is correct at the time of publishing this page however I reserve the right to update or modify details should the need arise.

These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.

If at any time you have concerns or questions about these conditions, please contact me.